Xiamen Cameo is a professional online shopping mall for tote handbags in China, which provides information about Tote Handbag prices, quotations, parameters, evaluations, pictures, brands, and so on Wholesale tote handbags, Xiamen Cameo is enough.
A tote Bag refers to a bag with a large capacity and can hold many things.
"Tote" is a bag with a large capacity and can hold.
So Tote Bag refers to a large handbag or shopping bag.
The most classic design of the tote bag is heavy canvas fabric, large capacity, square shape, and arched handle.
"Tote" means "carrying". The word tote is taken from the African language "TUTA", meaning "to carry".
A tote bag is a kind of bag with a large capacity and can hold many things. Generally speaking, tote bags are rectangular or horizontally rectangular bags. Such bags are angular and look very simple.
There are two belts beside the bag. Tot's appearance is rectangular or horizontally rectangular, which can hold a lot of things. It is the first choice for shopping, school and office workers.
Origin of Tote Bag
At first, women went out to pack and buy things, including food such as bread and vegetables. Maimai now goes out to pack things. What else should they do? However, the bag is an essential key to whole body matching. The traditional tote bag is made of nylon. Huh? It turned out that the predecessor of the tote bag was a shopping bag. Suddenly, I felt that I was very fashionable with a shopping bag on my back!
Today's tote bag is a rectangular or horizontal rectangular bag with a large capacity. It is versatile and practical, so it will last for a long time. Today's tote is not only upgraded but also transformed into a luxury, becoming a symbol of fashion. At the same time, the tote bag is one of the necessary bags for fashionable people to travel. It is the first choice for shopping, school and office workers.